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New Year's Resolutions for a Healthy and Happy life!

Let’s Talk about New Year’s Resolutions.

New Year's resolutions have long been a way to take stock of what's truly important in our lives, allowing us to pause and reflect on the year behind us, as well as plan for the year ahead. Now If living through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it's that we shouldn't take health and wellness for granted. In 2023, improving your body, mind and soul is a great way to organize your long-term goals for the new year.

Focusing on your health and well-being doesn't have to translate to starting a new diet or workout plan, though. Here is a list of 40 attainable New Year's resolutions that allow you to make healthier lifestyle tweaks every day. You'll kick off the year with a stronger, well-nourished body and an enriched mind if you adopt any of these daily habits. These resolutions can help you calm down, ease stress and anxiety and help tame the crazy flow of daily life. Keep your new resolutions by using a planner to help you stay on track, checking off daily fitness goals and tackling frequent decluttering tasks. This year, it's time to put you first!

1. Build a better budget.

If there's one New Year's resolution that will help you the most in the long run, it's making a vow to save more money. Before you head back to the office in January, outline a rough budget that works for you and make a plan for how you'll stick to it.

2. Practice mindfulness.

Anxiety can nag at anyone during any season, in all parts of life and it can be easy to let the idea of the future or past experiences inform your reality of the present. Practicing mindfulness means doing everything you can to be grateful for what you have in the moment, where you are in life, and who you are right now,

3. Cook something new each week.

Everyone wants to eat healthier in the new year, but you should also try to eat more diverse foods. After all, variety is the spice of life. This year, choose an easy dinner recipe you've never tried before at least once a week.

4. Drink less alcohol.

You already know you don't need to drink to have fun so why not make this year the one you cut back and join the sober curious movement? Doing so can help to improve your mood, sleep, skin and your immune system. Plus, it'll also help you save money in the long run.

5. Make dinner easier.

Stop asking yourself if you have the time to cook and rather focus on the kinds of recipes you can set and forget!

6. Start meal prepping.

Spending more time in the kitchen isn't always easy, but meal prepping can save you time and money during the week.

7. Commit to a healthier sleep routine.

So many issues can be traced back to a poor night's sleep. And yet, there is so much more that we can aim to improve beyond a reasonable bedtime. Creating a plan to improve your sleep hygiene the habits you maintain to get good sleep every night may look different for everyone, as it depends on when you need to be active and working throughout the day. Your brain actually relies on cues to regulate your internal circadian rhythm, and the choices you make throughout the day can interfere with these.

8. Join a club.

Starting a new hobby is one thing, but joining a club will help you meet new people in the process. Sites like Meetup or Facebook groups can help you find a group of people with similar interests.

9. Quit smoking.

Cigarettes are extremely harmful for your health, particularly your lungs but tobacco products in general pose a serious threat. There are so many resources to help you get a jumpstart on ditching tobacco.

10. Learn to love vegetables.

Whether you're working on weight management or towards a balanced diet, vegetables are your friends.

Fiber-rich vegetables are especially crucial for healthy hearts and strong veins: "A heart-healthy diet emphasizes produce, balanced by fiber-rich whole grains, fish, nuts and lean proteins," The healthiest vegetables that you should try to eat daily often double down on gut-healthy fiber.

11. Prioritize annual health screenings.

Open your calendar app and make your appointments for the year in one sitting, not only will you get the anxiety-inducing nuisance over with, but exams will be less likely to get squeezed out as life gets bonkers. Start with your primary care provider and ask which screenings you're due for. Slot those in, then move on to the dentist's office and head over to your optometrist, too.

12. Exercise your brain.

Scientists are always learning more about how humans work to stave off cognitive decline and while data may be divided, if one thing is sure, games can indeed play a role here. Researchers at Duke University studied participants’ brain activity while they completed simple math problems and found that solving them feels like a reward, helping to curb negative feelings.

Playing the mind-boosting games can help manage stress and anxiety, as well as boost happiness endorphins at the same time.

13. Become a plant owner.

Swing by the garden center after brunch this weekend. Just the presence of indoor plants can lower human stress levels, research shows, and one study found that actively caring for plants calmed the autonomic nervous system and lowered blood pressure.

And when people work near plants, they report greater concentration, satisfaction, and perceived air quality.

14. Take the stairs.

Take 10 minutes to run up the stairs in your office or home. A published study in the journal Physiology & Behavior found that tired women who climbed stairs for 10 minutes got a bigger energy boost than those who had the caffeine equivalent of a can of soda or half a cup of coffee (and burned calories too!).

15. Plan a vacation.

People who vacation at least twice a year have a lower heart attack risk than those who do so rarely. And researchers have found that even thinking about an upcoming trip can boost happiness for weeks.

16. Head to a day spa.

It's time to treat yourself and for good reason. Research indicates that spa services, particularly intensive massages, are effective in managing stress-related cortisol levels while boosting your serotonin, empowering individuals to regulate feelings of anxiety or sadness. A spa service can fulfill the need for human contact, especially under the guise of a licensed, qualified spa technician or massage therapist. Treating yourself to a day spa experience may be the key to stress relief you can't achieve at home.

17. Make time for cuddling.

If you're reevaluating your intimacy, start by thinking about time spent simply in the arms of your loved one. Cuddling is often underestimated for its ability to bolster physical intimacy. But relationship experts say cuddling can help you feel more connected to your partner than ever. Cuddling just for fun can fight stress and improve both of your moods' by increasing oxytocin hormones, which research adds may also bolster blood pressure, too.

18. Drink up.

You know you need to hydrate but it's especially important when you get only six hours of sleep (or less!). You’re more likely to be dehydrated the day after a disrupted night of sleep, because a hormone that regulates your body’s water conservation is released during later stages of sleep.

19. Chill out.

Literally start working on letting go of all of that anger!

Constantly feeling angry and pissed off can lead to less than desirable long-term effects on your holistic health. Chronic anger can impact the body in more ways than just one, it can induce headaches, anxiety, digestion problems and high blood pressure.

20. Jumpstart a new career.

If this is your year to switch gears, you'll know it in your heart. Despite work routines still being impacted by the pandemic, there are ways that career experts say you can successfully negotiate what you need to stay happy at work.

21. Consider therapy.

We all lean on friends and family for support, but is this the year that you finally make a move to unpack your mental health? You don't even have to leave the house to start, and some of the best digital offerings are absolutely free. Start by checking out a few apps on your phone, even but if you're ready, reach out to a care provider or Visit

22. Volunteer regularly.

Research shows that volunteering regularly can lead to less stress and lower blood pressure.

23. Get in a body-positive mindset.

Social media can be a big asset in helping you jumpstart new health goals in 2023 but it can also be easy to get led astray by certain trends and social pressures. There is a growing movement that embraces all shapes, sizes, colors, strengths, abilities (and disabilities!) if you know where to look. Some of our favorite body-positive accounts teach us more about all the amazing things each and everybody can achieve.

24. Listen to novels while you work out.

Exercisers who saved an audiobook for the gym worked out 51% more often than those who didn't, per a study in Management Science. Sweat while listening to an intense thriller, and the treadmill time will fly by.

25. Lift weights.

If you've already mastered your cardio workouts in the past few years, why not try incorporating a new routine? A quality set of dumbbells can help elevate your workout, improve your stamina, and build muscle.

26. Continue fun learning at home.

Your little ones may have finally returned to school, but you can still continue to spend quality time learning and playing together at home. Incorporating STEM activities into fun playtime is easier than you may think and is a great way to enjoy quality time with your graduate-to-be.

27. Stop procrastinating a tough decision.

The stress around a major life decision often causes individuals to freeze in their tracks. Mental capacity has been known to be reduced by stress and anxiety, but a major change requires a fair amount of brain power to navigate. The ironic aspect of this is that prolonging what needs to be done can further exacerbate stress and restart the vicious cycle.

28. Delegate more chores.

A large study found that people who spent money on time-saving services, such as finding someone to clean out the garage, obtained greater life satisfaction and happiness than those who shelled out for material goods. If money is tight, take on the least favorite chore of a friend and have she or he do the same for you.

29. Keep clutter out of the kitchen.

If you can hardly see your counters through all the papers, post-its, and not-yet-put-away groceries, you may pay for that chaos later when it comes to meals. Take 20 minutes to put it all where it belongs, and it can help you eat more mindfully in days to come.

30. Wear workout gear that makes you feel good.

Spend the afternoon shopping for workout clothes that flatter your body: Studies show that what we wear affects the way we feel, which impacts our ability to get stuff done.

31. Explore new hobbies.

Another sleepy Sunday? Today's the day you try Albanian food, attend a ballet, or take a painting class whatever feels fun. When researchers followed 7,500 people for 25 years, they found that those who complained of major bor

edom were roughly twice as likely to die from heart disease.

32. Give yourself a new look.

Working on your look is just as refreshing as turning over a new leaf internally. Taking off a few inches can make you feel (literally and figuratively) so much lighter in the new year. Even a simple new style or hair color could brighten your days and put you back into your step in 2023.

33. Invest in your skincare routine.

And no, I don't mean load up on foundation. Streamline your daily routine to allow yourself some time to incorporate products that really replenish your skin, not weigh it down.

34. Play upbeat music.

Blasting any happy-making tune can work multiple mind-body wonders including reducing pain during exercise, elevating mood, and lowering stress, research shows. So, make a playlist any songs that boost your spirit will do the job.

35. Start walking more.

Even if you can't keep track of a new fitness routine, keeping yourself moving on a simple walk around the neighborhood is a must.

36. Do one thing at a time.

Multitasking doesn't make you more efficient, but it does stress you out. I suggest, organize your activities into chunks of time, such as kid time and cooking time, and then "commit to being focused in those allotted minutes and see what happens." It'll help stop you from overthinking everything.

37. Make your bed every morning.

Yes, it's time to grow past the messy bed look! Mastering the art of making your bed will transform your space, but also kickstart a productive morning routine.

38. Go to bed on time, with your partner.

Getting sufficient zzz's can make you feel ready for action. A study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine found that women who got more sleep had more desire the next day and an overall easier time becoming aroused. Every additional hour they slept increased their likelihood of having sex by 14%. So skip late-night web searches and hit the bed.

39. Give yourself more compliments

Repeat after me: "Today is my day. I'm thankful for me." Positive self-talk can help you focus on what's good in your life. Research shows that a little vitamin G (for gratitude) can make you feel happier and more satisfied and even improve you

r sleep. If you repeat an affirmation related to gratitude in the morning, you're likely to show and feel more of it throughout that day.

40. Say goodbye to toxic friends.

It may feel impossible now, but there is a way to break up with a once friend turned frenemy without imploding your social life. Sometim

es, ghosting is appropriate but more often than not, approaching the situation with a structured conversation can help you get the closure you need to grow.

If you need support from us visit or call us at 332-334-6997. Thank you for watching. I am Nora Oliver your host. See you next time.

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