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Nora Oliver Participates in Small Business Congress in Washington D.C.

Nora Oliver, of Woburn, meets Todd McCracken, CEO and President of the National Small Business Association.

Nora Oliver, a Motivational Speaker and Life Coach, the owner of coaching practice 10X Nora Oliver, recently participated in a two-day Small Business Congress in Washington D.C., organized by the National Small Business Association (NSBA).

As a member of both SBA and the National Small Business Association (NSBA), she was invited to be part of this year’s Small Business Congress and was one of three business owners from Massachusetts to take part in the event.

Nora Oliver is shown with Congressman Roger Williams of TX.

The Congress put business owners in touch with Congressional Representatives to discuss concerns and to see how each side can work with the other to improve the business climate.

The delegation of business owners discussed economic development, different issues of cybersecurity, environmental and regulatory affairs, taxation, small business protection, and health and human resources issues. They met with Representative Roger Williams (R-TX), Congressman Adrian Smith (R-NE), and Representative Virginia Foxx (R-NC), and with Washington Post journalist Heather Long. Additionally, there were representatives from the Federal Reserve Board.

“It was an amazing conference,” Ms. Oliver said. “We learned a lot from the Congress perspective, seeing how Congress analyzes and views data about what is going on in the country. There was also a great deal of information and resources for the small business owner.”

Ms. Oliver, who also recently joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, said that the Congress voted on the top priorities they will work on and will work with Congress to find solutions for. These include:

1. Expanding the expiring tax cuts

2. Support small business contracting

3. Reining in costs of healthcare

4. Improving access to capital

5. A corporate transparency act

6. Enact tax report simplification

7. Improve workforce access and training

8. Preventing the IRS from targeting small business

9. Reforming the US immigration system

10. Strengthening the SBA office of Advocacy

Ms. Oliver said, “I additionally met with the team of U.S. Representative Katherine Clark (D-MA). I am looking forward to working with Congress and each other and following up to achieve these goals which are important for all small business owners.”

She continued, “I am grateful to the NSBA and the SBA for this opportunity.”

About Nora Oliver

Nora Oliver is an author as well as the owner of 10X Nora Oliver, a coaching practice that includes cognitive behavioral therapy, mindset and overall wellness. Offices are located at Woburn, MA. To learn more, or to inquire about a coaching session, please email, visit the website or call 332-334-6997.

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